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It sounds so simple just to walk!—place one foot in front of the other... Meet my new and improved Titanium knee! As I step into 2012, I look at BAVX—not from the usual perspective of a BAVX Trainer but from that of a full- fledged recipient.

Anything less than constant activity and mobility is a foreign concept to me. My life for 34+ years has been teaching adaptive physical education (pre-K-12), conducting BAVX trainings for teachers and therapists, and pursuing excellence on the golf course. I stop moving only when forced to.

Read more: PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE* Physical Therapy


MCAS brain busters

By Mike LaBella
Staff Writer

HAVERHILL -- You can find children in as many as 40 classrooms sitting or standing quietly like human pretzels with legs crossed, hands clasped and folded under.

Or gently tugging on their ears as though they were struggling to clear some sort of blockage.

Read more: MCAS brain busters


Students have a ball learning

By Mike LaBella
Staff Writer

HAVERHILL -- Children in some Haverhill schools have been tossing bean bags to each other and bouncing rubber balls in class -- all with their teachers' approval.

What appeared to be games taking place in Alice Diegisser and Sarina Ryan's class at Moody Elementary School are instead a method to help children succeed academically and socially.

Read more: Students have a ball learning


Bal-A-Vis-X helps patients get their balance back

"I have been carrying my racquetballs, Lazy 8s and Bal-A-Vis-X balance boards all over the Seacoast of NH. It's been great for helping my elderly patients get their balance back (VNA) and the kids in all of the 5 schools magically get calm and more organized just by standing on the Bal-A-Vis-X balance board. We've even been able to make the sound of one ball in a few classes!!!! Magic and miracles are happening all around and I thank you for sharing your knowledge with me..can't wait to take another class with you."

Karen H.


Integrating Bal-A-Vis-X

What do you get when you integrate Bal-A-Vis-X in your school curriculum?

How about energy, coordination, concentration, self-esteem and HUGE smiles.

This year my children and I participated in the Bal-A-Vis-X program under the direction of Mrs. Cosgrove and Mrs. Bushnell (parent volunteer). From the start we enjoyed being up and about in our room using the sandbags or balls…thinking this cannot be anything but playing indoors.

Read more: Integrating Bal-A-Vis-X


Brain Gym has changed our school

On Monday mornings each week we have a school wide assembly. During this time we pick one brain gym to model to all of our students. The brain gym Is modeled school wide for about a month. Once teachers and students feel comfortable using it then we use the brain gym in our classes.

At first the students just saw the activities as fun, but even some students are beginning to see the difference it's making. "It really gets me ready for my learning day!" as one student said.

Read more: Brain Gym has changed our school



(603) 434-9115


Windham, N.H.

UpComing Classes

Bal-A-Vis-X Session A Training
(17 contact hrs.)

When: October 25-27, 2019
Time: Friday 4-8pm, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday 8am-2pm (Class size limited 16-18 due to space)

Location: MRC 535 West. St. Rockport, Maine

Fee: $299.00 a person or $279.00 for a group registration of 2 or more

For more information please download the Course Description and Registration form.

pdfCourse Info and Registration - PDF